
FSD collaborates actively with its national and international partners, and FSD is a member of the central international organisations in the field. At the national level, FSD collaborates with a number of memory organisations and networks and is represented in many of the national boards and advisory groups.


CESSDA ERIC Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives

CESSDA ERIC (Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives) is an umbrella organisation for European social science data archives.

Finland is a member of CESSDA and FSD is Finland's national service provider. Helena Laaksonen serves as the Chair of the CESSDA ERIC General Assembly and is FSD's CESSDA contact person.

CESSDA web page (Opens in a new tab)

More about CESSDA's services

DDI The Data Documentation Initiative

The DDI format for describing data is maintained and developed by the international DDI Alliance, a member of which FSD has been since 2003.

Development Manager Mari Kleemola represents FSD in the Alliance’s annual meeting, and Senior Specialist Katja Moilanen is a member of the working group responsible for developing the DDI standard. Members of the DDI Alliance, which is hosted by the University of Michigan, include data archives and universities from all around the world as well as organisations that develop computer programmes for statistical analysis and data collection.

DDI web page (Opens in a new tab)

DDI logo
CoreTrustSeal logo

CTS CoreTrustSeal

CoreTrustSeal (CTS) is an international certification that informs researchers about the reliability of repositories storing digital data.

FSD was awarded the CTS certificate in August 2017, among the first in the world. The certificate requires that all phases of digital data storage are handled reliably, from receiving data from researchers to ensuring their proper long-term preservation and sharing for reuse. FSD's certificate is valid until the end of 2019. FSD's Development Manager Mari Kleemola works as the secretary and a member of the CoreTrustSeal organisation's Board during the term 2018-2021.

CoreTrustSeal web page (Opens in a new tab)

IASSIST International Association for Social Science Information Services and Technology

IASSIST is an international association for IT professionals at organisations supporting social science research.

Members of the association work at data archives, research libraries, research institutes and other organisations producing support services for scientific research. IASSIST organises an annual conference that provides data professionals a variety of opportunities to participate in discussions about data. FSD's Senior Specialist Tuomas J. Alaterä is the Past President of IASSIST.

IASSIST web page (Opens in a new tab)

ICPSR logo

ICPSR Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research

ICPSR (Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research) is the world's largest data archive for the social sciences.

FSD is a member of ICPSR, and data archived at ICPSR as well as their services are available to researchers and students at Finnish universities. Helena Laaksonen is FSD's ICPSR contact person.

ICPSR web page (Opens in a new tab)

More about ICPSR services

ISSP International Social Survey Programme

ISSP is a worldwide comparative survey research programme that includes different research projects.

The ISSP programme is based on an internationally integrated annual data collection in the participating countries. Data collection began in 1985, and Finland first participated in 2000. FSD is one of ISSP's Finnish members. The German data archive GESIS is responsible for archiving ISSP data.

ISSP web page (Opens in a new tab)

ISSP logo
EVS logo

EVS European Values Study

The European Values Systems Study Group collects EVS data in several Western European countries.

The European Values Studies, which are conducted in waves with intervals of several years, chart social, political, moral and religious values and life situations of citizens in different countries. The Finnish data is collected by Gallup Finland and archived at FSD, which is the EVSSG's partner in Finland.

EVS web page (Opens in a new tab)

IFDO International Federation of Data Organizations

IFDO is a global federation that focuses on sharing and preserving of social science research data.

The most important mission of IFDO is facilitating and supporting research by organising collaboration between data organisations both locally and internationally.

IFDO web page (Opens in a new tab)

IFDO logo