
Agreement on data use conditions

An agreement on data use conditions enters into force when a user accepts the terms and conditions for the use of a dataset and agrees to comply with them.

Annual report

The data archive provides an annual report on the use of the deposited dataset, if so agreed in the Deposition Agreement. The report contains use statistics from the previous year.

Depositing data

Depositing means submitting a digital copy of a dataset for long-term preservation at the Finnish Social Science Data Archive. Original creators retain the ownership, copyright and related intellectual right in the deposited dataset while the archive has the right to preserve and distribute the data. The terms and conditions for the deposit and reuse of the data are specified in the deposition agreement.


A person or organization submitting their data to be archived at the data archive.

Distribution of data

Data are delivered to users following the established access procedures of the data archive.

License of use

FSD issues a personal license to use a dataset for the purpose specified by the user when applying for the license.

Openly accessible

Data are considered to be openly accessible for all users when anyone can use it, without having to register as a user with the Aila Data Service. The data must be cited in presentations and publications where they have been used. Data are openly accessible for educational and research purposes when Registered Users, who have agreed to the Terms and Conditions for the Use of Data, have access to it.

Original creator

The person(s) responsible for the substantive and intellectual content of the data. Creators are always acknowledged in the citation of the dataset given in publications and presentations where the data have been used. Often, creators are also the depositors of the data.

Primary use and reuse

First or primary use of a dataset refers to its use by the original data creators, in accordance with their original research plan. Reuse, that is, secondary use, refers to further use of the data for other purposes. For the most part, archived data are reused for research, planning of research, teaching or study. The possibilities for and restrictions concerning the reuse are specified in the deposition agreement of each archived dataset.

Purpose of use

Purpose of use may be doctoral, licentiate, Master's or Bachelor's thesis, other study purpose, research, teaching etc. Obtaining data always requires the user to state the intended purpose.

Records management and archives formation plan

The data archive's records management and archives formation plan describes the criteria for data acquisition, data processing and documentation processes as well as data security and data protection practices of the archive. The plan functions as a tool for planning and managing the life cycle of archived data and other recorded information.

Registered user

The personal data of people registering themselves as users are entered into the data archive’s client database. Only the information needed for managing data distribution is entered. For registration, students and staff of Finnish universities and universities of applied sciences use the username and password issued to them by their home institution, and get authenticated by that institution. The personal data needed for registration is partly derived from the registers of the user’s home institution and partly entered by the user him/herself.
Other users fill in all the personal details themselves and the archive confirms the registration after verifying the information provided.

Terms and conditions for Aila Data Service portal

General terms and condition which the users agree to comply with when they register as users with the Aila Data Service and which concern the use of the data portal itself.

Terms and conditions for data use

Terms and conditions apply both to general use of data and to the use of a particular dataset. Terms and conditions for general data use are the same for all users and all archived data. In addition, there may be special conditions set out for the use of a particular dataset or data series, specified by the data creator(s) in the deposition agreement at the time when the dataset was archived. Only part of the archived data have special conditions for their use.